Freight Forwarding Services

  • Customs Clearance & Brokerage - SEA & Air
  • Warehousing & Re-distribution
  • Haulage & Deliveries
  • Transit & Trans-Shipment
  • Dangerous Cargo Handling & Clearance
  • Project Cargo Logistics
  • Heavy Lift
  • International Freight Forwarding

Ship Agency Services

  • Vessel & Husbandry Services
  • Bunkering
  • Crew Change
  • Vessel Chartering & Ship Brokerage
  • Immigration Services

Consultancy Services

  • Customs Bonded Warehouse Licensing
  • Manufacturing License
  • Ecowas Trade Liberalisation Scheme Application (ETLS)
  • Duty Draw Back Processing
  • Processing of Exemptions for Government Projects
  • Free-zone Licensing
  • Shipping Advise to Importers & Exporters

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